what is the normal level of blood sugar for a child?

by tina
(sacramento ca )

QUESTION: My friend is diabetic and tested her sugar at my house last night. my son (11) was curious about it and as part of the explanation she let him test his own sugar. it was 119 4 hours after he ate. is this normal?

ANSWER: Hi there,

Don't worry, your son's blood sugar level is perfectly normal.

Children are active and in midst of their flourish, that is why childrens blood sugar level is a bit higher compared to that for adults.

Normal levels:

6-12 years old: 100 - 180 mg/dl (including the overnight blood sugar level).

Thus, your son is perfectly normal.


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Jun 12, 2013
Blood sugar for an 18 months
by: Kim

CONCERN: Our granddaughter blood sugar was at 146, and she ate around 11:30 I took it at 4:00 and the reading was 146.

I'm a diabetic and so is her mother's side of the family.


I do not see any problem in the blood sugar result of your granddaughter.

Please keep in mind that normal range of glycemia for children (including infants) varies from 70 up to 150 mg/dL.

As you see, your granddaughter's results fall under the normal range.

This is because children, particularly infants, have high rates of metabolism which requires sugar.

Therefore, as the body responds to the requests of its cells for increased energy; it provides them the quantity of sugar they need, which is high in fact.

That is why, every time you check blood sugar in children, you might find it high.

Sometimes, when children are hungry, the sugar results might be as low as 70, which is also perfectly normal.

It is good that keep recording her blood sugar; however, I want to remind that keep pricking this little child fingers might be painful.

Sometimes, it might affect her daily activities. Therefore, I would suggest to talk to her pediatrician to have his/her opinion on how often you should check your granddaughter's blood glucose and when you should really become worried.

Hope it helped!


Jun 20, 2018
Result on Daughter sugar level 126
by: Anonymous

QUESTION : I checked my daughter's blood sugar this morning before she ate and its 126 ..

I am a bit concerned just want to know is that normal for a child or is it considered high?

DOCTOR'S ANSWER: Hello my dear,

Thank you for choosing our service to get answers for your concerns.

For your information, normal children blood sugar levels before meal should be ranging from 70 - 126 mg/dL.

The results of blood glucose of your daughter was 126 mg/dL, upper limit, but not worrisome.
This is because of morning hormones and high metabolic rate that children have.

Although normal, I'd suggest to keep monitoring her blood sugar levels without disturbing her psychologically.

Please take note that pricking the finger with a needle might be experienced negatively by the children. They might get angry or psychologically down.

Can recheck after 1 month without making her angry or disturbing her peace of mind.

After getting the results, you can come back to me anytime.

All the best.

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