Diabetes and Exercise Tips

Step by step instructions of an easy and enjoyable exercise plan, without putting aside special time, and without going to the gym.

For sure you know why you need to exercise, and what the importance of exercise is. I do not want to bother much more on this.

How many times have you heard that you must exercise and how many other times have you asked yourself: who bothers? I will do it when I have time.

I have read once that only 10 percent of adult Americans do exercise at least 3 times a week. I thought: most probably because they are not taught how to exercise. You might know that you have to exercise, but you still do not.

Benefits of exercising in diabetics

Exercise and keeping yourself physically active help you to maintain normal blood sugar levels by reducing insulin resistance, thus making insulin more effective.

In addition, exercise can help you eliminating all the risk factors that can lead to early diabetes onset, such as excess weight, high blood pressure, bad cholesterol and fats. Exercise will reduce bad cholesterol levels and increase good cholesterol levels.

One wonderful thing I have learned about exercise is that it does not only help in controlling blood sugar levels, but it reduces the risk of death from all diseases as well.

To add more pleasure to your conjugal relationship, in one study of healthy men aged 35-65 who started a regular exercise program at the University of California, was shown that they had started to hug and kiss their wives more often, continued to have more sexual intercourses and more orgasms than those who did not exercise.

When you have diabetes, you may face sexual problems. Why not to reduce these problems with a good exercise plan?

What kind of exercise?

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First, you must consult your doctor when you should start doing exercise. Your doctor will advise you on the type of exercise you should do, after checking your general health.

Let us go straight to the point. For more than a lifetime, walking has been the most important method to reduce the risk of heart disease and well-being too.

You can try jogging, cycling as other means to burn fat and calories as well as to lower your blood sugar. If you have any problems with feet tingle, try to do swimming, rowing, any chair exercise, in which you do not have to stress your feet.

Where and when to walk?

Your walking exercise can be very natural and can satisfy your body’s needs to lower blood sugar and cholesterol. Your goal should be towards having from 35 to 40 minutes daily/ three or four times a week walking on your pace.

For example, try to walk to your office instead of driving, and it will be great if you can walk the way back too, all of these simple exercises will fulfill your body’s exercise needs and you will start working more inspired and fresh.

You can try climbing stairs instead of taking the elevator; this will help you to keep your legs in shape. However, if you have legs problems, do not try this. Find other exercise options.

Diabetes and exercise - Step by step tips

Wear the proper footwear

Find and wear firm, well fit, with enough space shoes. This can save you feet problems, like blisters and sores, which can result in feet infections.

Take it easy

Start slowly and build up strength. Maybe for the first days or the first month you can’t achieve to exercise 30 minutes a day. It’s ok. Just remember that you are not compelling with anyone. Try to take it easy at first.

Don’t eat before exercising

It is better for you that your stomach is empty when you are exercising. Digestion requires energy and reduces your body capability to exercise well. You can try only fruits before exercising, because they need only little energy for digestion.

Drink water

Dehydration is an actual problem when exercising. Drink water, and not soft drinks, Gatorade or any fluid that contains chemical substances.

Check blood glucose levels

If your blood glucose levels are too low or too high, do not start exercising. Wait until they are stabilized. When you feel some changes in heartbeat rates, or become anxious when exercising, immediately stop it. Check your blood sugar levels, and have a snack.

Stretch your body

Stretching is a marvelous practice while exercising or after your exercise. Stretching should be performed only after your muscles have warmed up and should never go to the point of causing pain. Make exercise a part of your life and you will never regret it.

Written by Dr.Albana Greca Sejdini, Md, MMedSc       

Medically reviewed by Dr.Ruden Cakoni, MD, Endocrinologist

Last reviewed 01/26/2021


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