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Saxagliptin/Alogliptin (DPP-4) heart failure risk in diabetes. Use SGLT2/GLP-1 for high CV risk. ADA/ESC guidelines advise caution.
Continue reading "Taking Onglyza or Nesina is it safe for your Heart?"
Diabetes leg pain relief involves managing blood sugar, regular exercise, pain medications, proper footwear, daily foot care to prevent further complications.
How to read and interpret the diabetes blood sugar level? Learn how to manage diabetes effectively by understanding blood sugar levels, their impact on health, and tips for maintaining optimal control.
Continue reading "Diabetes Blood Sugar Level - Key insights in Managing Diabetes"
How to use fenugreek for diabetes control? Is fenugreek good for diabetes type 2 or any other type? What is the right dosage? What about fenugreek warnings?
Diabetic impotence treatment options, overcoming through natural and medication cures to regain regular sexual life.
Continue reading "Diabetic Impotence treatment options to regain regular sexual life"
Alzheimer's disease is a progressive disease which is linked to diabetes due to uncontrolled blood sugar levels.
Continue reading "Are Alzheimer's Disease and Diabetes Linked?"
Diabetes vitamin d link is like a “magic” one. Not only bones may benefit from vitamin d intake, but also insulin sensitivity could improve.
What diabetes foods to choose in diabetes? High carb or low carb foods? Foods that lower sugar?
A chart of normal fasting blood sugar levels visually represents the typical range of blood glucose concentrations after an overnight fast between 80&100mg/dl
Continue reading "Chart for normal fasting blood sugar levels"
How to treat polymyalgia rheumatica with diabetic complications, and on insulin therapy, sugar 98 losing cosciousness.
Continue reading "Polymyalgia Rheumatica Diabetic with insulin therapy"
Question: Hi, My father is diabetic, his legs show signs that there's no good flow of blood. What should he do to recover please lacking of blood on
QUESTION: Hello How should be a diet plan for a diabeticfluctuation in blood sugarfluctuation in blood sugar from high to low and from low to high..
QUESTION: Hello, When I go to bed my sugar is 130 to 140. When I wake up it is 185. I don’t eat carbs and take jaudiance and januvia to control my diabetes.
Hear out how you can add bitter melon to your daily diet to get benefits of lowering blood sugar.
QUESTION: Hi I have been having just alittle bit high blood sugar which goes some times up to 107 or 110 and my doctor said that i do not have to worry
Continue reading "Is blood sugar level of 107 or 110 mg/dL high?"
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