About ldl diabetes link. How far dangerous it might be? What can I do to lower the risk?
First of all I want to explain to you what ldl is. It is a lipoprotein which transports cholesterol (which cannot be dissolved in bloodstream), to and from your body cells.
The higher the levels of ldl, the higher the risk for heart stroke, attack or any other heart disease.
This is because ldl may attach to your blood vessels walls during the oxidative stress and make them rigid and narrower. As a consequence heart disease is settled.
There are various factors which contribute to increased ldl levels, such as smoking, obesity, sedentary life, family history, hypertension. These factors contribute to diabetes onset. Thus, diabetics have more chances to develop heart disease.
What is more, during diabetes, the oxidative stress is most probable to happen due to high blood sugar levels.
Taking all the above into account, it is easy to understand the importance of ldl diabetes link you need to act and move fast. Your aim is to lower LDL cholesterol levels, reduce triglyceride levels and raise HDL cholesterol. If you achieve this goal, you may consider safe of heart disease onset.
What ldl cholesterol levels should I consider safe in diabetes?According to the American Diabetes Association, your goal is keep your LDL levels lowern than 100 mg/dL.
What treatment should I follow if my ldl levels are higher than 100 mg/dl?If your ldl cholesterol levels are in between 100 mg/dl and 129 mg/dl, your doctor will recommend to start making some changes in your lifestyle habits (otherwise called Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes = TLC). This is called “wait-and-see” therapy.
You need to do more exercise (at least 30 minutes of walking every day), following a diet low in total fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol. You may need to lose the extra weight you might have. Also you should monitor your cholesterol levels according to a regular schedule to see your progress.
In case your ldl level is 130 mg/dl or higher, the above lifestyle changes will be your first line of treatment. Meanwhile, if you do not succeed in lowering your ldl levels, your doctor will be constrained to prescribe some medicines, although their side effects.
You should be strong in your natural way to lower ldl and blood sugar. This is the best way of fighting the two of them.
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