How to convert mmol/l to mg/dl?

I know that you keep reading thousands of articles on diabetes.

And of course, you keep measuring your blood sugar levels by a meter which is not using the measurement system that you are used to.

So, you may face some difficulties while converting mmol/l to mg/dl or mg/dl to mmol/l. But you need to face them in to understand what is happening to your body. 

X Take-Home Tips X You can use either world or US standard when measuring blood sugar levels (mg/dL or mmol/L) If you divide mg/dL by 18, then, you can easily calculate from mg/dL to mmol/L. It's important to get a good interpretation of the results. X Did you find it difficult to use the converter? Our team will help you. Type your concern here and get helped now! X If you find your blood sugar levels too high, should start taking appropriate changes in your diet and lifestyle regimen. Natural alternatives can help lower your high blood glucose and the risk for future complications. Find it out how. X X X + - X X Beat Diabetes › Diabetes blood sugar level › How to convert mmol/l to mg/dl X References: - Conversion Table Glucose Monitoring - Understanding glucose levels - Convert glucose to mmol/L Last reviewed 03/21/2019 - X X X X FB Comment Sample X X X X
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Ask question and get a personalised answer X - Bottom Nav Col (SW) X Recent Articles RSS My first blog post It never ceases to amaze me - I post something on my Facebook page, go to the kitchen for coffee and come back to 250 people having seen the post, 40 having "liked" it and five more have commented. Read More My first blog post It never ceases to amaze me - I post something on my Facebook page, go to the kitchen for coffee and come back to 250 people having seen the post, 40 having "liked" it and five more have commented. Read More My } document.getElementById("mg_dL_to_mmol_L").addEventListener("click", function() { var inputValue = document.getElementById("inputValue").value; document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = mg_dL_to_mmol_L(inputValue) + " mmol/L"; }); document.getElementById("mmol_L_to_mg_dL").addEventListener("click", function() { var inputValue = document.getElementById("inputValue").value; document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = mmol_L_to_mg_dL(inputValue) + " mg/dL"; });

Measurement systems for blood sugar levels

There are two measurement systems for blood sugar levels.

The first one is the world standard and the second one is the US standard.

The world standard uses mmol/l (millimoles per liter), while the US standard uses mg/dl (milligrams per deciliter).

It's a matter of where you live, and meters they use. 

Is there any converter for easier understanding of diabetes blood sugar readings?

Yes, there are many online converters and calculators available that can help you easily convert blood sugar readings between different units, such as mmol/L to mg/dL and vice versa.

These converters are especially useful for individuals who need to interpret blood sugar levels using a measurement system they are not familiar with.

Following, we have provided the converter for you. In order to understand how to use it, you should:

1. Enter the Value: Once on a conversion website, simply enter the blood sugar value in either mmol/L or mg/dL in the respective field.

2. Convert: Click on the "Convert" button, and the website will display the converted value in the other unit.

This can be a quick and convenient way to understand blood sugar readings in the unit you are more accustomed to.

mg dl to mmol/l calculator

Now, if you want to convert mg/dl of glucose to mmol/l, you can divide the result in mg/dl by 18 or multiply by 0.055.

But, if you want to convert mmol/l of glucose to mg/dl, just multiply by 18.

In case you need more details, below I’m showing you an interpretation of the numbers for each of the measurement systems. 

diabetes conevrt chart

What about any A1C test converter?

The A1C test is a crucial tool for assessing long-term blood sugar levels in individuals with diabetes.

It provides an average of blood glucose levels over the past 2-3 months, helping to gauge overall diabetes management and risk of complications.

The A1C test results are typically reported in percentage format (%).

However, in some countries, particularly European ones, it's also expressed in millimoles per mole (mmol/mol).

The following are the conversion formulas between these two units:

  • Percentage to Millimoles per Mole (mmol/mol): A1C (mmol/mol) = (A1C % - 2.15) × 10.929
  • Millimoles per Mole (mmol/mol) to Percentage: A1C (%) = (A1C mmol/mol ÷ 10.929) + 2.15

For instance, an A1C value of 7% is approximately equivalent to 53 mmol/mol. This conversion is essential for international standardization and uniform interpretation of A1C results.

To simplify these conversions, several online A1C converters are available. Users input their A1C value in either percentage or mmol/mol, and the converter quickly provides the corresponding value in the other unit.

These tools ensure easy comprehension for individuals and healthcare professionals, regardless of the preferred unit of measurement.

By utilizing these converters, people with diabetes can effectively track and interpret their A1C results, enabling better self-management and understanding of their long-term blood glucose control.

We have provided an A1C converter below, so it would be easier for you to understand your A1C values.

A1C Converter

A1C Converter

Take-Home Tips

  • You can use either world or US standard when measuring blood sugar levels (mg/dL or mmol/L)

  • If you divide mg/dL by 18, then, you can easily calculate from mg/dL to mmol/L.

  • It's important to get a good interpretation of the results.

Did you find it difficult to use the converter? Our team will help you. Type your concern here and get helped now!

If you find your blood sugar levels too high, should start taking appropriate changes in your diet and lifestyle regimen.

Natural alternatives can help lower your high blood glucose and the risk for future complications. Find it out how. 

Beat Diabetes › Diabetes blood sugar level › How to convert mmol/l to mg/dl


- Conversion Table Glucose Monitoring

- Understanding glucose levels 

- Convert glucose to mmol/L

Last reviewed 10/06/2023

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