Gestational diabetes symptoms

You must understand that in most cases gestational diabetes symptoms will not be manifested. But in some other cases, the mother could suffer the high blood sugar levels signs and symptoms.

So, you may notice:

increased thirst, along with increased urine frequency fatigue eye problems such as blurred vision increased hunger and weight loss at the same time

Frequent genital (vagina), urine (bladder), and skin infections.

When you notice one or all the above signs, immediately contact your doctor for further assistance. You cannot let these symptoms aggravate because you or your baby will be damaged.

Usually, these symptoms you may notice in week 24–28 of your pregnancy. This may be caused most probably by some substances that placenta produces during this period. These substances are responsible for the inefficiency of insulin action.

When you notice gestational diabetes symptoms, and you refer them to your doctor, he/she will ask you to do the glucose tolerance test to determine if you have diabetes or not. This is the only test to ensure a gestational diabetes onset.

However, keep in mind that these symptoms of gestational diabetes are not life threatened to you or your baby. They can affect you, your health and that of your baby too. But nothing threatening.

How does gestational diabetes affect you?

Nothing threatening can happen to you. You may suffer from the above gestational diabetes symptoms. Maybe you have high blood pressure problems.

But in the future, most likely, you will face the same gestational diabetes problems in your next pregnancies. And you have more chances to develop type 2 diabetes in the future.

How does gestational diabetes affect your baby?

- During the pregnancy the only problem that your baby might face is macrosomia. That means that your baby will be very, very “big”, and weighs more than 9 pounds. This might cause lesions to you or your baby during delivery. Or most probably you’ll have a cesarean birth.

- After delivery, the most common problem that your baby faces is Hypoglycemia. This is because his/her pancreas continues to produce high insulin in response of high blood sugar levels that you have.

Insulin takes long to be consumed, and remains in your baby’s bloodstream after delivery causing him/her hypoglycemia. In this case, glucose fusions must be given to your baby to supply with glucose he/she needs.

One other problem that your baby might have to do with high risk of developing congenital malformation, such as heart, respiratory. But with the passing of time all these problems will be verified and treated.

Stillbirth, a dead newborn, jaundice are some other less common problems. Meanwhile, your baby will have the highest probability of developing type2 diabetes in future as he/she grows.

But all the above gestational diabetes symptoms can be prevented.

With a healthy eating regime, following various exercises schedule designed for pregnant women, and doing some other lifestyle changes, your diabetes will be settled.

At last, you must know if you are at risk of developing gestational diabetes.

So, if you have faced gestational diabetes symptoms in your previous pregnancies, if you are part of high risk populations ( such as Hispanics and Americans), having a history of baby born more than 9 pounds, or giving birth of a dead newborn or any defects in your previous babies; these show that you have greater chances to develop gestational diabetes.

Anyway, keep in mind that not all pregnant women can face the gestational diabetes symptoms. But if they face them, they are not harmful or life threatening. But you must care about your blood sugar levels, and try to keep them near normal as much as you can.

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