What Foods Can a Type 2 Diabetic Eat?

by Botsoa Hloaele


What foods are not good for a type 2 diabetes with the levels of 11-15?

ANSWER: Hi Botsoa,

I admit that a blood sugar level of 11-15 is considered high. I am glad to come to know that you have decided to go for a healthier diet to help improve your blood sugar levels.

Generally, diabetics are advised to avoid:
- fatty/oily foods
- sugary foods (especially those containing simple carbohydrates)
- processed foods
- soft drinks, carbonated, sweetened juices, alcohol
- smoking or other illicit drugs

I'd encourage to do more physical activity. Start with simple walking for up to 30 minutes. Then, gradually, can go for jogging, running, or other aerobic activities.

With regards the foods you can eat, they include:
- fruits (you should see their glycemic index too)
- vegetables
- drink more water
- avoid deep/frying

All the best!

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