South Indian Diabetic Meal Plan

by Bhavya

QUESTION: Can any one have a diabetic meal plan for South Indians? We basically survive on rice.

ANSWER: Hi Bhavya,

I know that most of Asians "survive" on rice from my times in those countries:) I would say that your diet plan is so great for diabetics as it consists of lots of veggies and fruits, no red meat, only fish (if not mistaken), etc.

I also know that rice is your first serving:) as bread for us (the Europeans). However, although rice is said to contain too much carbohydrates; you must have to be intelligent in choosing the right rice type.

So, brown rice is the most recommended for diabetics as it rich in fiber, selenium, vitamin B1, B3, B6, manganese and essential oils.

All these nutrients are beneficial not only for diabetics, but for all those who want to be healthy.

Moreover, brown rice contains less calories than white rice. Less calories and more nutrients are what diabetics mostly need.

  • With regards to cooking, it would be great if you do use more boiling or steaming or baking the foods rather than frying or using too much grease.

  • There is a food called "greens-and-corn-meal" of our tradition that could be recommended
    for South Indian Diabetics as you:


    green leaves (everything you like)
    corn meal
    olive oil
    salt to taste

    Cooking method:

  • Wash the green leaves thoroughly with water, cut them and let them sim for few minutes in a boiling water. You can add some salt if you like.

  • In an oven dish, take some corn meal and spread it to all its surface (to prepare a thin layer).

  • Next, put the simmed green leaves over the first corn meal layer.

  • At the end, cover the green leaves with some more corn meal.

    Let them bake until they become brown. At that moment, take another dish, put water, salt and olive oil and disperse in the brownish baking pan.

    Let them bake until well-done. Buon appetite!



    by Chris:

    TCM and Ayurveda

    TCM and Ayurveda recomment NOT to eat brown rice.

    cook your rice like pasta "an dente"and you will have the same result


    Check Out the AAPI's Guide for Indian Foods Pending
    by: Brijesh Mathur

    The American Association of Physicians recently published a very useful guide on Indian foods for health, nutrition, and diabetes.There is achapyer on South Indian meal plannong. You can download a PDF of the guide here:

    I hope this helps.

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    by: Joy

    I have been also searching for a better diabetic meal plan. I think you have done a great job by sharing such a proper diet plan. I am going to try this diet plan. I will share my experience very soon. Keep updating!

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