Post predinial level (PP) up to 196

by Ashok Koul
(Jammu, J&K, India)

QUESTION: Hello Sir,

I am 66 yrs of age , Type2 diabetic for last eight years, my BS fasting ranges from 107 to 115, but PP BS level now ranges from 185 to 196,

I am taking metformin 500 two times for last six years , HbA1C remains upto 6 ,

Please guide whether to change the midicine or continue as it is .
Also the reasons for PP level touching 200,


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Oct 11, 2018

by: Dr.Albana

Hello Ashok,

I have gone through your medical history carefully and understood your concerns.

1. You are a type 2 diabetic since 8 years now.
From your blood sugar results, I can notice that fasting sugar is within normal range for you as a diabetic.

However, post prandial blood glucose is spiking up to 200. There are some reasons for this spike but most important is food/drinks you consume during your meal.

So, you must change the foods you consume in order not to get such high blood glucose levels after eating.

Next, you say to have measure PP level without explaining if it was immediately after eating or 2 hours after eating?

The time of measuring blood sugar after eating is very important. This is because, first blood glucose will raise due to foods/drinks you consume,for the firs couple of hours.

Then, they start dropping back to normal levels.

2. So, taking into account your fasting sugar and HBA1C level is within normal range (up to 115 and 6 respectively), I do not think you should change current therapy with Metformin 500. Just go on with this therapy.

But should make some changes in your diet and lifestyle regimen. Keep monitoring your blood sugar levels, and record the results for future reference.

Hope this answers your query.

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