Pathophysiology of kangkong in decreasing blood sugar level

QUESTION: Can you provide the pathophysiology of kangkong in decreasing blood sugar level?

ANSWER: Hi there,

At first, I want to make you clear something, pathophysiology is a term used to describe a process, which damages the normal functioning of the human body.

So, in this case, you can’t use pathophysiology, because kangkong helps the human body to handle with the blood glucose elevation.

  • Anyways, it is true that kangkong reduces the blood glucose concentration in the blood stream. This is a result of decreasing the glucose absorption in the gastro-intestinal system (stomach and small intestine).

    Therefore, the slower absorption of glucose leads to moderate elevation of the blood glucose concentration, which can’t harm your body.

    You have to remember that this mechanism of actions is not proved yet, because all the molecules, which participate in this process, are not discovered yet.

    In other words, this topic needs some more research from the medical scientists as the data is very limited.

  • Just for your information, I will mention that the alpha-glycosidase inhibitors (drugs used for the treatment of type 2 diabetes) are working in the same way as kangkong.

    This fact only proves the effectiveness of kangkong, but its safety is still not approved. According to this, I have to warn you to be careful, when you are using it, because the possible side effects of this herb are still not discovered.

    Hope it helped!

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