Method of Cinnamon Use for Control of Blood Sugar?

by Sajjad Malik

QUESTION: I am a Diabetes patient and want to cure with natural Herbs.

Could you please guide me the method of Cinnamon use for control of Blood Sugar?

ANSWER: Hi there,

I am glad that you have found one of the best natural ways to beat your diabetes, so I have to congratulate you for this.

Other important fact is that the usage of cinnamon is very simple and you don’t have to execute special rituals and preparation procedures.

  • Regarding your question, there are mainly two forms of cinnamon - powder and capsules. The true is that finding the cinnamon powder is difficult task, but it is easier to find the capsules, because they are offered even on the internet.

    Anyways, if you want to use cinnamon powder lower blood glucose, you have to take around quarter or half teaspoon every morning. You can add this amount of cinnamon powder to your coffee or to pour it with hot water and to drink it. The only rule in this situation is to stir the mixture very well.

    Regarding the usage of capsules, you have to take them according to the instruction on the box, but keep in mind that you don’t have to take more than 400-500mg per day, because of the risk of low blood sugar.

    Curious fact is that the proper usage of cinnamon (powder or capsules) will keep you away from the diabetes complications, like cardio-vascular diseases, diabetic foot, retinopathy and many more. Besides this, the usage of cinnamon will postpone the drug treatment.

    Hope it helped!


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