Is 122 mg/dl Fasting blood glucose level a sign of diabetes ??

by Huda Saeed
(Cairo )


I'm 19 years old, 160cm & 70kg

I started to diet but by chance I measured my glucose randomly and it was 173 mg/dl

So I did a fasting test and came 122 mg/dl
Is this dangerous or do i have diabetes??

ANSWER: Hi Huda,

Thank you for sharing your concern with us.

You are reporting to :
- have a height of 160 cm
- weight of 70 kg
- just started to diet
- random blood glucose 173 mg/dL
- fasting blood sugar 122 mg/dL

As per your description, I see you are overweight and on diet to improve your weight. I suppose your diet is very poor in sugar and carbs.

In such circumstance, when you suddenly measured your random glucose and it was 173 mg/dl, I may say that in your case it can be normal.

You have been on diet without taking any sugar with food and this has served as a signal to your body to release sugar from the glucose deposits in order to feed the tissues with fuel.

This extra sugar comes from your fat that is metabolizing and sending glucose to blood circulation.

Your fasting test was 122mg/dl normally it is 80-100. As you have been dieting I still think it's because of your diet too.

So, in other words, such slightly high blood sugar levels do not indicate you have diabetes, neither prediabetes. Your fast glucose test has showed high levels because of your diet.

Prediabetes itself even when diagnosed is not dangerous. You can take good control of it and prevent easily its progression to diabetes.

I encourage to keep dieting and stay healthy as you are doing now because you do not have diabetes.

Hope it was helpful


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Sep 19, 2016
by: Fazal ur Rehman

One good test to confirm the diabetic is HbA1c. It gives the last three months average blood sugar.

Sep 23, 2016
Mr Huda's fasting blood test reviews
by: Anonymous

Dear Dr. Alba,

Thank you very much for your valuable and so precise test review. As I always believed that type 2 diabetes is purely life style issue.

5 years back I was advused by Dr. to start glucophase as pre_diebetic case since my fasting glucose measured 168 dc/ml.

However I stopped the medication and concentrated on my diet, exercise and meditation and now my random sugar reeads 123.

I thought I will share my experience so may help.

Thank you Dr. Alba.

Nov 20, 2016
Thank you Mr.Huda
by: Dr.Alba

Hi Mr. Huda,

Thank you for following us and decided to share your experience.

Indeed, spikes in blood sugar levels depend on what you:
- consume (eat/drink)
- do (physical activity)
- take (drugs)

I hope other diabetic readers will follow your example and have the same success as you.

All the best.

Oct 16, 2017
My blood sugar in Fasting is 122 and Post lunch is 100. Can you please suggest.
by: Chandrapal Reddy


My blood sugar in Fasting is 122 and Post lunch is 100. Can you please suggest.

ANSWER: Hello Chandrapal,

Your fasting blood sugar of 122 is a bit higher than the normal range.

Post lunch blood glucose of 100 is within normal range.

Then, we should see the following possible causes:
- Foods/drinks you have consumed the night before?
- morning hormones (depending on the time you did check your blood sugar)?
- should also rule out nocturnal hypoglycemia. Do measure your blood sugar at 1 a.m, 2 am and 3 am to check it out.

Discuss this further with your caring doctor.
All the best.

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