How do i keep my sugar levels from crashing?

by Wiley
(nacogdoches texas)

Keep sugar levels from crashing

Keep sugar levels from crashing


I have had some issues over the last 2 weeks:
my blood sugar fasting is 125 and after I eat shoots up to 220. And with in 20 min after I eat it falls rapidly to the lower 70 's.

Not for sure how to fix the problem. It has caused some dizzyness and severe head aches to the point I can do much of anything and to top it off when my sugar levels drop i feel so weird it throws me into a full panic attack.

How do I fix this problem?

ANSWER: Hi Wiley,

I have gone through your medical history carefully and understood your concerns.

1. Your fasting blood sugar level is 125, which is considered slightly elevated.

Possible causes include:
- foods/drinks consumed the night before
- morning hormones
- morning activities

I advise to repeat testing after 1 month and compare the figures.

2. It is normal to get your blood sugar levels increased after eating, even at the limit of 220 mg/dL.

It is also normal to get your blood glucose back to normal level 30 minutes and/or up to 2 hours after eating.

In your case, you are reporting to experience dizziness after having meals.

At this point, I'd advise to measure your sugar levels two hours after eating to see at what extent (how low) your blood sugar will get decreased?

If it's too low, then, reactive hypoglycemia is to get determined by your endocrinologist.
Further tests are needed to run to determine the right cause:
- reactive hypoglycemia?
- measuring insulin level in blood and urine to rule out pancreas problems?
- thyroid function test?

3. For the moment, I advise to:
- avoid eating foods that would cause sudden drop in blood sugar (refined/simple sugar, etc.)
- have more foods high in protein or complex carb
- avoid heavy meals
- eat often and small portions
- increase water intake
- be more physically active.

Hope it was of help!

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Nov 19, 2016
You are welcome to ask diabetes question
by: Dr Albana Greca

You are welcome.

Feel free to ask any question.

Dr Albana Greca

Aug 30, 2016
by: Anonymous

Thank you for your wonderful website !!!!

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