Glucose 112 with myasthenia gravis and prednisone

by Robin


I have myasthenia gravis and am on prednisone. My non-fasting glucose level was 112.

I can't fast as I need to take meds with yogurt in order to swallow them.

Is this level too high? It was taken about 3 hours after breakfast.

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Jan 29, 2017

by: Dr.Albana

Hello Robin,

I read your message and understood your problem.

Non-fasting glucose level of 112 can be considered quite normal.

You have done the glucose test 3 hours after breakfast and it can be considered as nearly to the real fasting glucose test if you have had a light breakfast.

With regards to taking your pills, it's ok you continue taking accompanied by yogurt, there is no problem with that. Just make sure not to take sugars that morning.

Keep monitoring your blood sugar levels as long as you take prednisone as it increases the chances to impair glucose balance (raise blood sugar levels).

Hope this was helpful for you.

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