by Lenise Ramsey
(Spruce Pine, NC, USA)
I was diagnosed with T2D a year ago. I am female, 52yo, 5'2", weigh 200lbs and am post-menopausal.
I have NAFLD and recently had an initial diagnosis of early cirrhosis. I am on 2000 mg of metformin per day and 125mg of victoza.
I have not always been obese. I put on 80 pounds in the year prior to my diabetes diagnosis, even while trying to lose.
I know that today, getting off the extra weight is the key and first step to addressing these other issues.
I eat a low-carb, high protein, medium fat diet - no flour, sugar, white rice, pasta, potatoes, vegetable oil. I walk every day. I am feeling better than I did a year ago, but I have not lost a single pound.
So. here is my question: Today, my blood sugar just before dinner was 78. My dinner was steamed pork chop (fat trimmed), instant brown rice and cauliflower cooked in chicken broth. One hour later, my blood sugar was 198. That's a 120 point spike from what I thought was a low-glycemic meal.
What could I do doing wrong? What can I do differently? Even if my blood sugar goes back down in the next hour to say...130 or 140...isn't a spike like that still bad and could it be why I cannot lose any weight?
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