fasting Sugar of 70 from last three years

QUESTION: recently i have episodes of tachycardia in 2 months time both @ same time around 8:45 in the morning.

Is there any relation between low fasting blood sugar and tachycardia?

ANSWER: Hi there,

It is good that you are monitoring your blood glucose, especially in the morning. I want to remind you that the normal blood glucose level is between 64.8 and 104.4 mg/dl, which means that your blood glucose level is absolutely normal.

However, there are differences in the metabolism of every individual. For example, a blood glucose level of 70 mg/dl is normal for one person, but for another person, this level is considered low.

Generally, the active individuals are requiring more energy, respectively glucose, to live normal life. Because of this, a blood glucose level of 70 mg/dl is low for them and they are not feeling comfortable, just like you.

Furthermore, I want you to understand that there is a connection between this blood glucose level and tachycardia. Generally, tachycardia is observed when the organism needs more glucose, a condition known as hypoglycemia. Obviously, your organism needs more glucose in the morning.

As you probably know, all the cells in the organism are requiring glucose to execute their normal functions. We can divide the cells in two groups: first group - very active cells, which are requiring a lot of glucose and the second group - not so active, which are requiring small amount of glucose.

The most active cells in the human body are the nerve cells, which require a lot of glucose and besides this, they don’t have a glucose store. Because of this fact, the organism has to ensure them as much glucose as they need.

The concentration of glucose is alike everywhere in the blood, and for that reason, the only way to ensure more glucose to certain area is to increase the blood flow that goes there.

As I mentioned, the nerve cells, especially the brain, are requiring a lot of glucose. When the brain feels that the glucose is not enough, he sends a signal to the heart to start pumping harder and faster (tachycardia). In this way, the heart will ensure more blood, full of glucose for the brain.

  • You have to know that there are several other symptoms which are characteristic for hypoglycemia and some of these symptoms are: hunger, irritation, anxiety, dizziness, sweating and others. All of these symptoms are appearing because of the brain’s need for more glucose.

    The brain’s need for glucose is some kind of stress for the whole organism and that is the reason why the amount of “stress” hormones like adrenalin and noradrenalin is elevated, causing the symptoms of hypoglycemia.

    I have to inform you that sometimes hypoglycemia can be very dangerous condition. Sometimes, the organism is not able to compensate the lack of glucose and to provide more glucose for the brain, which leads to syncope.

    Syncope is condition during which you are losing consciousness for several minutes. The bad thing in here is that sometimes the syncope can go to coma (permanent loss of consciousness).

    In purpose to prevent the development of hypoglycemia and respectively tachycardia, my advice for you is to eat something very sweet as soon as you wake up. This will increase the amount of blood glucose and prevent hypoglycemia as condition.

    Besides this, take something sweet everywhere with you. At the moment, when you feel that you are sweating or when tachycardia appears, eat one or two pieces of chocolate and everything will be fine.

    Hope it helped!


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