Fasting sugar 130, post lunch 160, on medicines. Is it normal?

by Srvd
(Hyderabad )


My fasting sugar is 130 mgdl, post lunch 160 mgdl, I am taking medicine 2 times daily. Is my sugar normal now?

ANSWER: Hello Srvd,

A fasting sugar level of 130 is a bit higher than normal levels. If you are a diabetic, and are taking medicines for that, then, this is perfect controlling of diabetes.

By the way, can you please mention the names of medications you are currently taking to lower blood sugar levels?

Furthermore, your post-lunch blood glucose is within acceptable sugar levels for diabetics.

I want to congratulate for this achivement.
If you keep it like this, I believe, you will finish reducing the dose of the drugs you are currently taking. Until, one day, you'll finish taking one of them off, but not both of them.

But first, you should monitor your blood glucose levels, and record the results for reference.

Hope this answers your query.
Looking forward to have to know the names of hypoglycemiant medications you are currently taking.


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Mar 27, 2019
Is this a normal occurrence: spike in sugar during hot flashes?
by: Carrol


I am a diabetic. 55 Years old.

During hot flashes (menopausal) my sugar goes sky high, (15.)then drops (3.5)

Is this normal?
I have never heard anyone complain about this happening to them.

ANSWER: Hello Carrol,

To understand if hot flashes are related to spikes in blood sugar levels, I should explain first why hot flashes occur and what happens during these episodes.

Now, a menopausal woman has fluctuating progesterone and estrogen hormones, mostly we do face unpredictable low levels of both these hormones.

Lack of estrogen will cause hot flashes, where blood vessels in the periphery will get dilated for some minutes, then, suddenly they will get narrowed,and you'll break out in cold sweat.

Another thing is that there are some factors that will induce hot flash episode, including changes in blood glucose levels (especially low levels). That will trigger a hot flash, associated with cold sweat and increased hunger.

So, it is not uncommon for menopause women to have spikes in blood sugar or even develop diabetes or insulin resistance.

I advise to check your blood sugar levels, and blood pressure, and record the results for reference.

Plus measure your blood glucose before and after getting hot flash to see if they are too low before the flash episode.

Next, observe if you have any change of increased hunger recently. That will put at risk for diabetes or insulin resistance.

Thyroid function test plus HBA1C tests are also recommended.

Hope this helps. Let me know if you have any other concern.


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