Does stevia cure diabetes?

by Avinash

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QUESTION: I want to know about stevia extract as well as want to buy the same. Does stevia cure diabetes?

ANSWER: Hi Avinash,

I’m amazed that you have found one of the best herbs on the market, used for the treatment of diabetes. That is why I can recommend you to start using this herb, but before this, you have to know few things:

The first one is that you have to take 5 grams (2-4 drops), every six hours, before having a meal.

Something important about the Stevia extract is that you have to take it for maximum of 3 months. After these three months, take a rest and don’t use the extract at all.

This is very important, because the permanent usage of Stevia extract can lead to side effects, like very low blood glucose level, nausea, vomiting and infertility.

You have to keep in mind that those side effects are observed in very small number of patients, but they are real after all.

The second thing is that yes, this herb can cure diabetes, it can help you to keep maintain your blood glucose level within the reference ranges.

However, this effect will be real if you try to combine the usage of Stevia extract with diet, exercises and drugs.

  • According to this, my advice for you is to start running for about 30 minutes every single day. Of course with the time, you have to start running more and more every day.

  • Regarding the diet, I think you know that you have to avoid the consumption of sweet products and meals, which are rich in cholesterol and fat acids.

    It is important that only your doctor can put you on drug treatment for diabetes, but I have to tell that with this herb, you will postpone, for pretty long time, the usage of drugs.

    Hope it helped!


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    by: Veronica Rogers

    This is indeed going to be an interesting change for people who are having diabetics. Let us hope it will be a good improvement in the field of medicine and help a lot of people. God speed to you all on spreading the word.

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