by Bonny C Damocles
My diagnosis as a type 2 diabetic in July 1991 was based on a blood sugar reading of 468 mg/dl.
Our family physician told me to take anti-diabetes pills right away. I begged him to give me some time to do it my way.
Then he required me to take a stress the following day.
As soon as I passed the stress test, he gave me the permission to exercise as hard as I could.
Our physician was a cardiologist so he must know what was good for me.
After ten days of running the stairs for a total of 2 hours per day, the blood sugar readings I got were already in the 130 mg/dl - 140 mg/dl range.
I reported these to our physician and he gave me the persmission to continue doing my daily exercise routine.
Long story short, after 25 years and 3 months, most of my A1c's were in the 5.2% to 6.3% range. The last one I got on October 3, 2016, was 5.8%. I have never had hypos and diabetes complications.
During the last 18 years, my stair-running exercise time was 1 hour per day.
Bonny C Damocles
Male, 80 1/2 years old, 137 lbs., 5'7"
No meds for any health problems
First 25-year untreated and complication-free type 2 diabetic
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Feb 24, 25 10:53 AM
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