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Oct 05, 2012
Fatty Liver and Type 2 Diabetes
by: Bonny Damocles

I was diagnosed as a type 2 diabetic in July 1991 based on a fasting blood sugar reading of 468 mg/dl. I was supposed to be on several anti-diabetes pills but I refused to take them when I heard from a newly-diagnosed diabetic friend that the pharma anti-diabetes drugs he was on were causing him hypo problems.

With the approval of our family physician, I decided to use daily exercise as my only anti-diabetes med.

About 15 years ago, after an annual physical, it was found out that I had fatty liver. Our family doctor could not tell me its cause because I never drank alcohol. He suggested that I continue doing everything I had been doing to control my diabetes, like exercising every day and eating only heart-healthy, natural, fresh (raw or cooked), and unprocessed foods (mostly carbohydrates for me), and wait for my next year's physical results.

Luckily, after my physical the following year, my fatty liver problem was gone.

Since I have been able to control my diabetes successfully going 22 years now with the use of daily exercise as my only anti-diabetes medication, I would like to think that my success in managing my t2d has a lot to do with the elimination of my fatty liver problem.

Enjoy life always!!!

Bonny Damocles
Male, 77 years old, 141 lbs, 5'7"

Choline deficiency leads to a fatty liver

by Anonymous

This is a common condition found in people who are hospitalized and fed intravenous nutrition that lacks choline.

If the supply of choline isn't high enough, those
particles of fat and cholesterol cannot be synthesized and fat will accumulate in the liver.

Thankfully, this condition can be reversed when a person gets enough choline on a daily basis.

So, where do we find choline? Well, the first place is within our own bodies. But this amount is insufficient, so we need to get it through our diet.

Foods rich in choline include milk, peanuts, eggs, and liver. It is estimated that the average intake by American adults is between 730 and 1,040 milligrams per day.

The Food and Nutrition Board of the National Institute of Medicine has established the following adequate intake levels:

-- 550 milligrams/day (mg/day): men, breastfeeding women

-- 425 mg/day: women

-- 375 mg/day: children aged nine to 13

-- 250 mg/day: children aged four to eight

-- 200 mg/day: children aged one to three

-- 150 mg/day: infants

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