by Inder
My blood sugar levels are high in morning but normal in evening. Why?
ANSWER: Hi Inder,
Thank you for posting.
There are many factors causing high blood sugar in the morning including:
1. morning hormones: These are the hormones that are needed to give a fuel to your body to start the day.
2. high dosage of hypoglycemiants taken at bedtime. They might cause a drop in blood sugar level, which is consequently, shown with a reactive hyperglycemia in the early hours of the next morning.
So,as you may see, there are 2 scenarios noted in here:
A. if you are a diabetic, and are having such problems, I advise to:
- measure your blood sugar levels in the middle of the night
- measure bs in the morning
- get your HbA1C level checked.
Record the results, and report to your doctor to see how to adjust the dosage of medications.
B. In case, you are not a diabetic, and are not taking any hypoglyemiants, I advise to:
- run the tests as mentioned above to evaluate the oscillations of your blood sugar levels
- avoid heavy meals at bedtime, especially foods rich in simple sugar that would cause spikes in blood sugar at middle night.
- avoid meals rich in calories in the morning too to avoid further increase in bs.
Hope it was of help!
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