Genital itching and diabetes

QUESTION: What causes genital itching in diabetes, and how to handle it?

ANSWER: Hi there,

You have to know that genital itching appears as a result of infection and in particular bacterial one. So, the exact cause is the bacteria, which are normally living on your skin.

However, it is normally for you to seek the answer of the question, why than the bacteria, which are normally living on the skin causing such infection?

  • In general, you have to know that the growth of the bacteria depends on the temperature and on the food. All of us will agree that the temperature in the genitals is high, however from where comes the food needed for the growth of the bacteria.

    As you probably know, diabetics have high blood glucose level. The excessive amount of glucose gets excreted with the urine, but a part of it starts to accumulate in the skin.

    So, when there is glucose accumulated in the skin, the bacteria, which are normally living there, can use it for food. This along with the high temperature creates very comfortable habitat for them, becoming a good start for the infection, which on the other part, leads to itching.

    Anyways, now I will give you some tips about how you can handle with this unpleasant condition.

    1. The first and probably the most important thing, is to keep your blood glucose level within the normal range. This will cut of the supply of food for the bacteria, which will exclude further development of such infections.

    2. The other thing is to start taking antibiotic, but you have to speak with a doctor first, because he/she can show you which is the most appropriate antibiotic for you case.

    3. Third thing, which you should do, is to keep this area dry and clean. With this, you will remove some of the bacteria in there and you will prevent their multiplication.

    As you can see these tips are not so complex and you will obtain the needed result within 1-2 weeks, if you follow all of them.

    Hope it helped!


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    Diabetes & Baldness, Itching Dry Scalp

    QUESTION: Can diabetes cause hair loss baldness dry scalp and itching? Why?

    ANSWER: Hi there,

    The answer of your question is yes, diabetes can cause hair loss, baldness, dry scalp and itching. The explanation of these symptoms is explained by the impaired circulation in the patients with diabetes

    As you probably know, every part of our body requires nutrients and oxygen to survive. These substances are transported to every single cell of our body by the blood.

    However, the bad thing is that in patients with diabetes, the blood can’t reach all the cells, because of artery obstruction, caused by the elevated blood glucose concentration.

    Of course, this keeps certain areas of the body out of proper circulation. The cells in these areas are dying, because there is not enough blood and respectively not enough nutrients for them.

    If the affected area is the skin on your head, the hair’s follicles are dying. Of course when the follicles are death, the hair will fall and you will become bald.

    In addition, you have to know that when the follicles are the whole skin on your head suffers, because the follicles are a part of the skin.

    So, when the skin suffers from inappropriate supply of nutrients and oxygen it becomes more pliable to bacterial infection. Of course the bacterial infection leads to itching, which is not something pleasant.

    Besides this, you have to know that the occlusion of the arteries, which are providing blood for the skin, stop the immune cells to reach the affected area. This fact, explain why it is so difficult for the organism to handle with this unpleasant itching.

    However, I want to inform you that all these things mentioned above from you are curable. So, in purpose to get rid of those symptoms you can consult with a dermatologist about them and he/she will put you on correct treatment.

    Hope it helped!


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