Confused about my Blood Sugar Numbers

by juan cardozo
(hackensack, nj)

After getting up in the early am, my sugar is at 84,

after a light breakfast (2 lices of multi-grain bread, almond spread, blueberrys & strawberry ) it goes to 105,

at evening time i get small piece of fish, 5 spoons of brown rice & small salad, after that my sugar is at 86,

are those good numbers?

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Apr 01, 2017

by: Dr.Albana

Hello Juan,

I read your message and understood your problem.

From what you are reporting to me, I see you have great numbers. As going through them I can assume that you have no diabetes nor prediabetes.

Please take not that for healthy people, the normal plasma blood glucose levels are :

- fasting <100,

- after breakfast <110 and

- at bedtime <120.

If you are diagnosed with diabetes these numbers show that the disease is fully under control. In diabetic people we expect these numbers to be a little higher.

If you have been diagnosed with pre-diabetic and these are the numbers these means that the condition is fully managed by diet and no medication needed.

Your diet is quite healthy and best combined with all the nutritive agents. I encourage you to keep going like this.

Hope this is helpful for you.
Let me know if you have further concerns.

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