Can one get rid of diabetes naturally forever?

by Amin

Get rid of diabetes naturally 3 Tips

Get rid of diabetes naturally 3 Tips

QUESTION: I am type 2 diabetes since 5 years. I am 34 years old male. Do I have any chance to get rid of diabetes naturally totally?

I do not smoke, i drink alcohol, but not much, and do not consider my self overweight.

Looking to hear from you.

ANSWER: Hi Amin,

Actually, it all depends on how strong and willing you'd be to continue your battle against diabetes.

Let me tell you the sample of my 2 diabetic parents. At the beginning, when they first got diagnosed, they were very determined to get rid of diabetes naturally.

They started a very strict, diabetic diet ; and continued with garlic and cinnamon intake regularly along with certain local herbal teas for diabetics. In fact, we do not have gymnema sylvestre or bitter gourd in our country.

At the end, within the first month they followed these changes, they were "nearly" completely cured from diabetes.

What happened? Their endocrinologist was astonished and told them they only need 500 mg of Metformin (half the tablet in the morning and the other half in the evening). After one month they should do the exams again to see if they would need drugs anymore.

My parents were really enthusiastic, but not so strong. Their gluttony won, they fell again eating (because they could not stand not to eat those things they used to eat);
while their blood sugar raised, sometimes reaching 400 mg/dl.

At the end, they increased the dose of Metformin, and Diabenyl was added half tablet in the morning. I found and gave them a new mixture of the extracts of herbs for diabetes, and their blood sugar was under control.

I have told you all this story to make you understand that YES, one can get rid of type 2 diabetes naturally forever, if she/he would have a STRONG WILLING and PERSONALITY to live healthy.

I don't think many people have that in nowadays when many "delicious" foods are exposed. Perhaps I'm (and I wish to be) wrong.


by: Anonymous

Almost three years ago my blood test shows my sugar level as 250(fasting)& 350(pp). I took medicine only for 10 days with a very strict diabetic diet.

I even not tested sweet biscuit for 6 months . After 10 days of medication I started Having symptoms of low sugar so Doctor advised me to stop my medicine.

After that, for complete 2 years I observed very strict diabetic diet with a regular walk(evening) of 4-5 kms per day.

Since then, my blood test(regularly after one month)never shows fasting level above 100 and pp level above 115. Even HbA1C is quite norma(Between 6-7)

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Reverse Diabetes Naturally
by: EffaZ

5 Best Supplements for Balancing Blood Sugar

1. Chromium Picolinate (600 mcg daily) Helps improve insulin sensitivity.

2. Cinnamon (2 tsp daily) Add to food, smoothie or tea to help improve blood sugar control.

3. Fish Oil (1,000 mg daily) Omega-3s are necessary for proper insulin function.

4. Alpha-Lipoic Acid (300-1200 mg daily) Improves insulin sensitivity and reduces symptoms of neuropathy.

5. Fiber Powder (10 g) Fiber from vegetables and seeds can control blood glucose. I recommend finding a supplement that contains sprouted chia and flaxseeds.

Other supplements that may support diabetes include: magnesium, rhodiola, green coffee extract, bitter melon, and gymnema sylvestre.
I've tried this and it works.

Herbs alone are not enough to cure diabetes
by: Albert


I am happy to know that you succeeded in curing diabetes through the following 3 herbs:

- fenugreek
- whole bay leaves
- ginkgo bilboa

It is true that they are good natural alternatives to lower your blood sugar levels.

However, it is important to to follow healthy changes in your lifestyle and diet regimen.


by: Anonymous


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