Blood sugar still high after insulin, reaching 400 and 500 mg/dL

by Anonymous
(San Francisco,Ca)

QUESTION: I take Humulin R and Novolin N insulin as directed also have not been eating sweets but this last week has been hell as the insulin has not been working its best. My blood sugar has been in the 400's and 500's I've been sweating, my eyes have been overly red/bloodshot not normal. It's as if the insulin is not working what should I do?


I am sorry to hear Insulin is not working while your blood sugar (bsl) is getting spiked (400's and 500's).

There are few things I need to clarify and suggest to you:

1. Please try to follow the right accurate steps when measuring your blood sugar levels (bsl).

In other words, try to wipe your finger with alcohol first, let it dry.
Then prick your finger, remove the first blood, then, drop another blood on strip to measure bsl.

2. Try to measure your bsl : after fasting for 8 hours, 2 hours after meal. Do not forget to record the results as future reference.

Measure even any time during the day (random), at bedtime, and at 2 o'clock in the morning.

3. Stress is bad factor affecting negatively your bsl. Try to cope with stress. If cannot alone, start with aloe vera/valeriana supplement as that can help.

Psychotherapy and further consultation with psychologist can help.

4. You say to follow a healthy diet, and to say away from sugary foods or high calorie foods, That's great.

Apart taking insulin, are you also taking any other medication for any other disease you might be suffering?

This is important to understand why your bsl are spiking recently.

5. By the way, can you please tell the dose of every insulin you take? That will help me guide you further?

6. I know this is a question I should make at the beginning, but I'm asking now: When were you first diagnosed with diabetes?
Was insulin the first med prescribed to you?
What other meds have you been taking before?

7. Your eyes are red; have you measured your blood pressure? If not, go ahead and measure at your local drug store, record the result. Diabetes is often associated with cardiovascular problems.

When was the last cardiac check up you did?
Can you send the reports?

As you see dear Daniel, I need to have all these details to understand what's wrong and why insulin is not working. Then, we can suggest the best treatment strategy to you.

Looking forward to have the requested information and reports in.

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Aug 27, 2017
Gentle Request
by: Anonymous

REQUEST: Please take my name off the internet.

REPLY: Ok, done. Sorry for inconvenience caused.

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All the best.

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