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Jul 27, 2021
Severe sugar levels leading to death over the 3000
by: Anonymous


A friend passed unexpected a couple years ago,with sugar level over 3000 undiagnosed.


I am sorry for the sad history of your friend. Indeed, controlling diabetes or checking blood sugar levels was not common or patients were not educated enough to check these parameters.

Nowadays, measuring blood sugar levels is commonly advised or introduced in routine check ups worldwide.

We do not want to happen, but such sad histories serve as useful lessons for today's patients.

Technology has undergone a huge way of development. This makes it possible for everybody to check blood sugar levels randomly even in your closest drugstore. So, you cannot stand living with severe sugar levels for such a long time till taking your life away.

Blood glucose of 3000 levels is really very very severe range. I think, your friend's body systems have failed, and stopping working, till you noted such deadly levels.

Hope everyone will get some information and decide to run routine check up tests.

Thank you for sharing.
Best regards,

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