Blood Sugar 397!


Blood sugar is 397. What to do?


You are saying that your blood sugar (BS) is 397. First, I want to know when did you check your BS? There are differences in the time when you perform the test.

So, if it is fasting blood glucose, I would recommend to perform A1C test and see the results. It is better to consult your medical doctor as he/she would ask for some medical data of yours.

For example, it is very important to know if you have any problem with heart disease, or high cholesterol problems, etc.

  • Next, if you have measured your blood glucose after eating, I would like to know how long after eating you did the test.

    If it was just after eating or 30 minutes to 1 our after eating, then, I could say it is perfectly normal.

    This is because BS can raise after eating, and after 2 hours it would be back to normal again.

    However, even in this case, I would recommend to conduct the fasting blood glucose, and A1C tests to see what is really wrong with you.

  • Furthermore, I would like to know if you are taking any drug that could possibly interfere with your blood glucose.

  • In addition to eating healthy, you should also conduct healthy lifestyle habits like no smoking, no drinking alcohol, being more physically active, etc.

  • There are some herbal remedies that can help lower your blood sugar and keep them under control.

  • The very first step of yours is to understand and get the right diagnosis (whether you are diabetic or not and what type).

    The next step is to focus on what you are not doing, and start following now. Moreover, you should check what you are doing wrong and how to correct it.

    As you may see, your physician could be of a good help to determine the right diagnosis.

    Hope it helped!


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