I have type two diabetes and taking Glipizide 10 mg twice daily for 5 years.

My A1C over last 6 months has been increasing from 6.9 to 7.5 and now is 8.5 and my Doctor does not seem to be concerned and refuses to do anything different to lower it.

Should I be concerned or am I still in a safe margin? I am 69 yrs of age and a little worried perhaps for no reason.

Thanks for any reply

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Dec 03, 2016

by: Dr.Albana

Hi Rodney,

I have gone through your medical history carefully and understood your concern.

Now, your case:
- 69 years old diabetic
- currently taking glipizide 10 mg twice daily
- HbA1C raising from 6.9 to up to 8.5
- personal doctor : no change in therapy so far

You are right, we should go deeper and understand why your HbA1C levels has been increasing from 6.9 to up to 8.5:

- Is it because glipizide alone is not working? Maybe therapy should be changed: perhaps Metformin to add as a first suggestion

- What you eat and drink matters. Perhaps you are not being so attentive in what you consume; perhaps eating/drinking what you should not.

Try to follow a strict diabetic diet, without overpassing in calories and sugar content in order to avoid spikes or increased blood sugar levels (bsl).

- Other medications? If you are taking any other medication even occasionally; that could be also affecting your bsl.

- Lack of physical activity is also affecting bsl negatively. Try to increase physical activity in order to improve your blood glucose numbers.

- Start taking some supplements containing the extracts of herbs that can reduce bsl.

Hope this helps. Discuss this further with your doctor.

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