Some people are worried about diabetes early symptoms or that they might have diabetes or might be at risk of having it in nearly future. You should be too. If you notice them, you can’t let yourself to diabetes complications.
Some people are worried about diabetes early symptoms or that they might have diabetes or might be at risk of having it in nearly future. You should be too. If you notice them, you can’t let yourself to diabetes complications.
Anyway, this is not to scary you, but only to make you conscious of possible warning signs diabetes.
First of all, you must keep in mind, that not all these symptoms are noticed. Sometimes they are, but most of the time they are not. But you must educate yourself on recognizing them, in order not to let your body go to complications, severe diabetes complications.
Sometimes these signs can be present all together, that’s why you must keep alert and sensitive on what’s going on in your body and you feel.
Secondly, most of diabetes early symptoms are common for both two types of diabetes, type 1 and type 2. But, still there is a slightly difference between them.
- Frequent urination,
- extreme thirst,
- increased hunger,
- unexplained weight loss,
- nausea or vomiting,
- unusual fatigue and weakness, bad mood changes.
- Recurrent skin, urinary and genital tract infection, that tend not to be healed;
- blurred or doubled vision;
- mood changes; weight loss in very short time;
- impotency;
- notable black skin around the eyes and your knuckles;
- dry skin, mouth, gum infection and disease, different bad breath.
Also, you must keep in mind some other particular features to make you part of diabetic population.
- So, if you have a family history of diabetes, and you still don’t have It, you must be alert for diabetes early symptoms later in life.
- Diabetes is very common in Hispanics, Native Americans, African America. If you are part of any these groups, you must stay alert of diabetes early signs.
- But, if you also:
* have excessive weight
* do little or no exercise
* are a regular/occasional smoker
* consume alcoholic drinks regularly/occasionally
* have any family member diagnosed as a diabetic, for example your parents
* are older 45 years
* are a woman with a history of giving birth to a baby weighing more than 9 pounds
Than, I recommend you to seriously look at diabetes early symptoms.
And if you recognize them, you must run to your physician and take care
of yourself taking in consideration some simple steps not to have diabetes anymore and
diabetes complications.
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